All posts by Charlie

Hope for All Humankind

There is no hope for all humankind. That doesn’t mean that peace is elusive, or that humankind will not prosper, evolve and move towards perfection in life. It does mean that peace will never be universally applicable to every human being.

The reason is simple: If in a given family, there exits strife, confusion, mistrust, abuse, warring or warfare (of any kind) or selfishness, those conditions will exist in the clan, the tribe, the nation, the continent and the planet.  Specifically, the Universe as we know it.

My hope is the “i” will manifest in “be’i’ng” the truth, the peace and the reality i see towards all.

With that knowledge and belief, i encourage all to embrace participation in, creation and manifestation of a most perfect union of spirit and love.

Rousey 48 Out!

For those who have been reading my blog, you’re probably aware of my opinion about Rousey’s beating the last time she fought.  My theory is very simple:  With a trauma or abuse (of any kind), brain function is altered that affects the mind.  Basically, at a subconscious level, the organism is re-programmed at the emotional level.

The example is those individuals who become “gun shy” after being in combat.  A loud noise will set off an emotional startle reaction.  It’s simply a matter of self-preservation, as the organism “learns” from the experience.

With Rousey’s last thrashing, she was finished as a boxer at the subconscious level. In short, the body doesn’t want to take that sort of punishment.  It’s only at this higher level of consciousness that an individual attempts to affect, through “will” that which the subconscious wants to avoid.  Thus, “fear” is imbedded that affected Rousey’s ability to effectively engage in combat.  Make no doubt about it, the fight game (and football) is mortal combat.

The odds were against Rousey from the moment she lost the last fight.  She’s got no fight left in her.

End of file!


African American Oddyssey – Virtual Class

Good morning.  My clock shows 9:33 a. Apologies for being a bit tardy. No classroom class was held today.

I avoided traffic today and got my necessary exercise.  Consider this post a virtual class, for those interested. Dr. Wilson’s illness has been disruptive, I’m sure. She is on the mend. “Giddin’ bedders” someone said is the saying.

I’ve completed reading, reviewing and scoring the essays submitted. Some did outstanding. One hasn’t submitted an essay, yet. There’s always one.

It’s not often I have a captive audience.  Hopefully, you’ll spend time with the text book and outlines to gather the “gist” of the matter as you prepare for your final examination.

Today’s Lecture (optional)

As we look at the condition of humankind, as it is related to:

  • economics
  • religion
  • nationalism
  • tribalism
  • racism, and
  • sexism,

What is the emerging constant?
How does the constant affect You?
What will you do about its effects?

Those questions are directly related to the African-American Odyssey, as the journey is one upon which each of us travels in time. It absolutely does not matter where or how or when you began existence on the planet.

Let me put the question to you differently. What useful function does any political word (for example, “woman,” or “gay” or “immigrant”) under those categories (bulleted above) serve?

Think about this:  Abuse can be not only defined and experienced, but empathized and sympathized. It doesn’t matter if its “economic,” “tribal,” “racial,” or “sexual.”

Similarly, I believe, for the African-American so-called “race” is a marker identifying  whether or not the consciousness of each human being has evolved to see and experience the truth of unity of humanity.  And, in my opinion, it’s not a matter of superiority or inferiority. That is simply superstition, like so many others that have been held by groups of people at one time or another.

At the collective level in the unit we call “society” the word “abolition” notes such change in the text book. Thus, ‘self evident truths’ manifest their destiny, too.

Welcome Home!

I’ll end by wishing you success in the final examination.




I never thought about what it means to have a butler, or why the man who has that job was called such a name.  Word!

Servant?  My ass!!!  BUTT wiper is what he is.  The English have such a way with words, Mr. Shakespeare.  BUTTLER, is just so euphonious.  Shit!  Better check the spelling on that just to eliminate doubt: “butler”.

And, so it occurred a particularly peculiar thought came to mind, and it came at such a time as I realized rich men don’t wipe their own asses. Nor do they clean up their own messes. As long as you’ve got someone to clean up after you, it’ll look neat and tidy.  Well, not exactly.

Some of us have learned that we must wipe our own asses.  Thus, no need for anyone to be around to tidy things up.  That’s not to say we don’t need a helping hand, or that we’re perfect in any sense of the word.  It does mean that anyone coming into the little space that is granted each individual on this planet should be prepared to not leave any mess for anyone else to clean up. Thus, live not needing a butler, nor desiring one.


Day One Donald

Today is the day Donald Trump sits side-saddle with POTUS.  No doubt the reality of his ignorance will be illuminated. The things he knows better than anyone else will be the drained swamp of his illusions, exposing the ruggedly rigged rocks (jury rigged, for sure, just to keep the God-damned machine from blowing apart), the venomous vipers and dangerous delusion that the most powerful human being on the face of the earth must manage.

By the end of the day, he’ll understand how good a poker player Mr. Obama was in keeping the damned ship of state afloat. He will also begin to perceive that all that glitters is not gold, that he’s put himself on a path that has no end, no sign posts and nobody to blame. The fuckin’ Buck has stopped. Castles made of sand fall in the sea … eventually.


Looks like the Soviets are at it, as usual.  I just got a note that intrusion was attempted on my closet server.  Digressing, my note to them:  I know their history of treating human beings as less than beasts of burdens.  That, in their culture is the echos of the culprit.

I hope they love their children, too. I doubt it. And, I know they, like the so-called United Kingdom is a derivative of a kingdom of inhumanity.  Like the Assyrians, I know what to expect from their ilk and offspring.  Beware:  “Pop goes the weasel. ”

So, as you masters of war continue to hone your craft, know that in my hopelessness and isolation and frustration, their is something called enlightenment that has caused humanity to progress beyond anything and everything you may do, ye agents of the Dark Side.

As for Donald, welcome to the Mad House.  Just like I told George W. Bush (and his political lackeys):  

“Looks like you got shit on your hands, son.  Don’t expect me to tell you or help you get it, and the stank, off.”

Reason:  I told you not to touch it the first time!




If you have made it this far, you already know that a launch took place a few years ago. We are all here, now.  So, let’s have some fun.

Today I had the honor of experiencing the blend of peace and truth.  Check out 

Reality is that somewhere along the way, people (some people) learned to live in peace without shedding another’s blood.  Thus, religion was born on a higher plane of truth and awareness.  And, the tracks are found in the music that’s made.

More than before (if for no reason other than we’re here now), there is an urgent needs and cry for mercy from ignorance, stupidity and violence.  The tools themselves have limited usefulness and effectiveness.

The vibes are good.



Evolution 101

Evolution 101

Everything must change.  In 1982, I was employed at Stanford and was honored and privileged to be an early adopter of Internet technology, including the WWW. Time has changed everything. I began as a developer, not to develop but to produce.  And, the only way to produce utilizing information technology was to be a part of its development.

Recently, I spent an unconscionable amount of time attempting to do what was simple many years ago. It was only a few hours ago that I realized that I am no longer a part of the development, but more the producer.  Therefore, I’ve surrendered the tasks of hardware and application software production to the “real” experts.  Happily, I understand their lingo and needs.

Fortunately, my WWW service provider was already in place for a couple of my other exploits.  Thus, my closet server is my development machine, while what you’re experiencing now is from the service provider (their hardware and application software).  So be it.

Happily, the more things change, the more they remain the same. You’ll probably not notice the difference, as the transition has been seamless.  Enjoy the ride.  Enjoy the vibes.