All posts by Charlie

Moving along

The defense of the president is to assert:
– The opposition wants to nullify the election; and
– The opposition wants to disqualify the candidate from seeking the office on purely political grounds

Fact: The election has occurred and cannot be nullified – office occupied!
Fact: The alleged acts of the president created the situation (not his omissions)
Fact: Something occurred – he failed to carryout his commission to which he was entrusted by those in authority to grant the privilege, in a timely manner, in the opinion of some of those in Congress granting authority.
Fact: The Constitution grants Congress the authority to sanction the president, specifying disqualification for future privileges of the office for failure to act within the scope of authority and powers granted.

The Question:




As for the defense, rather than demolishing the case for Impeachment, it categorically confirms sanctions prescribed by the allegations of malfeasance and self-serving, pursuant to the terms of the Constitution itself.

The error of the defense is that, conceptually, the defense substitutes “democrats” for the for Constitution, in its personification of the document.

The bet is that most people will “buy” the bridge, and swallow the bait, hook, line and sinker.

My last thoughts on the subject: What does Biden have to do with the appropriation made by the Congress? If he deceived Congress, actions should go against him. If his son broke a law, the prosecution should be against him by the appropriate authorities.

If the president knew his acts were going to be hyper-criticized, a prudent professional would have, and should have, avoided even the appearance of impropriety. Nothing less than full disclosure, before taking action, is required when there is the possible appearance of a conflict of interest. Period. And, that is why the defenses are vacuous (at least at this moment in time). That is especially true with regard to dealing with money to which one is entrusted to disburse.

Upon the presidential petard of truth fails the defense of “Executive Privilege.” Executive Privilege is not the same, in equivalency or relevancy, to the word “discretion” of a person working as an executive.

‘If you don’t know, now you do.’

Moving on: The Republicans, if they are in fact “republicans” may check things out (see evidence), find no cause for removal from office based on lack of conclusive evidence, if found inconclusively and they should sanction the president with censure. He failed to avoid even the appearance of a personal conflict of interest.

IMO: If he doesn’t even agree to that, he’s not the sort of person who should be entrusted with leadership.

Take Her out!

He is a Kill-her! HuMan-slayer.

It is so plain to see: He knows how to say, “You’re fired.” And, as the CEO, he knows how to say, “I want her resignation.” But, he speaks as the mobster he is. And, that’s why THEY support him.

Lie is their truth.
Rationale is their hypocracy.
Hate is their love.
Lust is their God.
Crime is their frame.
Deceit the game.
Destroy is their fame.

Evil the name.

Hacked …

Yep. the U.S.A. has been hacked. Plain and simple. Mr. T-Rump primarily has been done in and has been and is “misdemeaningly” mindlessly involved in the attempt to hack the Constitution of the U.S.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: The Plegde of Allegiance must be rewritten, as follows:

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of American, and to the Republic for which it exists, with liberty and justice for all.

What else is necessary?

birthday 75

On November 16, 1944 , I was birthed approximately 9 + months after copulation and, thereby conception, between Louise Stallworth Channel and Charlie Estus Ezell Channel, Sr — descendants of slaves on this planet.

Thank you both and eternal gratitude is all I leave to my parents, who made my existence possible. Hopefully, I have made and left those vibes that glorify the beauty of love, truth, honesty and character they inspired. It is to them the tributes belong.

Vibes on in peace …

0/1 = < 0

‘ ”A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave to ignorance and stupidity, and falsity and half free from bigotry, and . I do not expect the US to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided.’

Problem: Gut!

It’s undeniable that intuition plays a big role in decision making. Subconscious mental processes that bubble up in the mind as emotion creates awareness of a feeling. That feeling plays a part in decision making. How important is it? “It” depends upon the action to be taken. “It” depends upon the awareness of context in which the “It” is surrounded (including the “It” of the “Id”). The problem is results (or facts) are often counter-intuitive. Example: not looking both ways before you cross the street! The problem with going with the gut is reality is often COUNTER INTUITIVE. Example: The car came from the direct you did not see. Clearly, the correct path was counter-intuitive. Life, money and more time wasted could have been saved by taking a moment to look both ways, before crossing a street.

It Is

Khashoggi: It’s not even a question of who ordered him murdered, granted the permission to utilize resources and assets, or even what happened to body parts (because they flew out of Turkey and over open waters) on the return trip. Do you think any ordinary Saudi could cook up the scheme?

The real question, in my mind, is “Why?” More specifically, “What did Khashoggi know that was such a threat to the House of Saud, that the Crown Prince and his ilk resorted to such subterfuge in assassination?”

Last night, a Negro came to me in a dream:

Uncle Tom, I may be. Uncle Tom, you call me, despite kneeling on knee. But, you know the White man did and always will sell his mama for a dollar. I guess his hope is in the saying, ‘now more of my friends won’t see squalor.’ White man saying one should die for the greater good, particularly in my greater neighborhood.  The place where love, morality and truth once stood.

Not to worry, there’s no debate: It is what it is, that was his fate!

CIA =  Clear Intelligent Awareness.


I’m Just Sayin ….

When Cubans risked their lives, fleeing Castro’s take over, before and after he did so, were the beaches of Florida and U.S. territorial waters ever barbed-wired, militarized and absolutely blockaded to fleeing migrants?

When a person is evidently irrational to the  a reasonable law enforcement officer who suspects access to a weapon of mass destruction could result in harm to that person or the public,  should not removal of access to the weapon of mass destruction should be the law?

So, N.R.A., there were those who did have guns last night at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California. Did that mitigate the carnage?

Why can’t politicians get real?* Why can’t the N.R.A. and say what’s right and true? What say ye, Justice Kavanaugh?

 * Answer: “That’s what they do!”

Being Born

Migration is to evolution as breathing  (respiration or transpiration) is to life.  Everything has existed in something else for that life’s existence.  An, then there was birth.

Immigration is simply  a milestone in migration.  Migration has always existed. Likewise, immigration always existed, and always will. Trust me on this one:  Animals copulate. Animals migrate. Or, they die.

If you oppose immigration, you are simply opposing life. “Hello!”  You get better odd playing the Super-duper lotto. Good luck with that!

The answer is “one.”