
If you have made it this far, you already know that a launch took place a few years ago. We are all here, now.  So, let’s have some fun.

Today I had the honor of experiencing the blend of peace and truth.  Check out 

Reality is that somewhere along the way, people (some people) learned to live in peace without shedding another’s blood.  Thus, religion was born on a higher plane of truth and awareness.  And, the tracks are found in the music that’s made.

More than before (if for no reason other than we’re here now), there is an urgent needs and cry for mercy from ignorance, stupidity and violence.  The tools themselves have limited usefulness and effectiveness.

The vibes are good.



Evolution 101

Evolution 101

Everything must change.  In 1982, I was employed at Stanford and was honored and privileged to be an early adopter of Internet technology, including the WWW. Time has changed everything. I began as a developer, not to develop but to produce.  And, the only way to produce utilizing information technology was to be a part of its development.

Recently, I spent an unconscionable amount of time attempting to do what was simple many years ago. It was only a few hours ago that I realized that I am no longer a part of the development, but more the producer.  Therefore, I’ve surrendered the tasks of hardware and application software production to the “real” experts.  Happily, I understand their lingo and needs.

Fortunately, my WWW service provider was already in place for a couple of my other exploits.  Thus, my closet server is my development machine, while what you’re experiencing now is from the service provider (their hardware and application software).  So be it.

Happily, the more things change, the more they remain the same. You’ll probably not notice the difference, as the transition has been seamless.  Enjoy the ride.  Enjoy the vibes.

Tahoe Inspiration

Tahoe Inspiration

To Be Or Not To Be
That is the Answer

Time is Illusion

Consciousness Is Awareness Life Gifts
Breaking the Barrier of Illusion of Time

Technology is the Tool Consciously Invented to
Break Dissolve the Barrier of the Illusion by
Empowering You to Discover its
Non-necessity and

J. Herman Blake

J. Herman Blake

After service in the U.S. Navy I returned to Santa Monica City College, where I’d failed out.  And, after redemption (All “A’s” and “B’s”), I was accepted at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where I majored in Psychology.

I was privileged and honored to meet Dr. J. Herman Blake, Sociologist, while there.  And, he had a tremendous impact on my understanding of both myself, the history and social condition of African American and the struggles of life. I must also mention John Rickford, whose keen intellect and brilliant insights enabled and facilitated my survival and achievement.

Herman recently wrote and thanked me for driving him to the California Men’s Colony where Huey P. Newton was incarcerated.  Jan Mathias, who later became my wife, was with me.

Herman’s collection of work is now at Emory.  Check it out!jointlogo


August Four Glow

August  Four Glow

Life and love
Dove of peace
Live above
Spiritual increase

Be clear of the beast

It’s good to be a free man
Love supreme
Go flow




If you’re reading this blog, then you know that I published TrumpsusPence a few days ago.  Well, the “suspense” is out of Trump.

It occurs to me that one needs to know how to answer a question, which means a person has to understand what the question is. In this situation, one person said, ‘You’ve not sacrificed anything like I’ve sacrificed.’ The answer was, ‘Look at what I’ve done. That’s a sacrifice.’

Obviously, the man Trump does not know the difference between “accomplishment” and “skin in the game”.  Skin in the game = flesh, bone and blood. As I thought awhile ago, none of Trump’s children have enlisted in the armed forces.  A parent who raises a child instills values into that child. And, the child becomes motivated to be what his or her parent(s) are or have been. With regard to citizenship, Trump’s children have made their choices, not unlike the choices that others have made.  Pursuit of fame and fortune are a part of American virtues as is service given to a nation that does not prioritize fame and fortune.

I’ve always felt that there are intelligent, upright and honorable people who are Republicans.  I’ve often asked, “Where are they?” I’ve also written that “ideology” = “ignorance.” That’s not because ideology is bad, but because it is blind to the question of “context.”  Context contains the environmental “realities” that effect reasoning. And, context always trumps logic. That is, it makes and leaves ideology irrational. And, I’m happy to see there are Republicans who “get it!”

Common sense makes the point:  “If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”  Maybe what observers of U.S. politics have been missing is that Trump has, in fact, been trying to get out of the kitchen. He really doesn’t want the job and no matter what he does, he just can’t seem to get out. My guess is that his IRS audit leaves him with no other alternative but to become president, to change the rules before the rules paint him into an undesirable corner. However, I admit that I might be totally wrong on that point, to not take anything out of context.

Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare

I often meditate while walking. Doing that, particularly when I’m depressed, enables me to tap into an altered state of consciousness. In that state, clairvoyance (clear vision of the unknown and seen) manifests.

Today’s insight:  Donald Trump never learned the lesson that one cannot “get laughs” at the expense of others. It’s one of the lessons you learn when you find out you’ve hurt the feelings of someone you love, just joking around about them.  And, before one ascends to position of power, a person must “get it” and live with that knowledge.  End of the file is that Donald Trump has not learned that retaliatory sarcasm leads only to misunderstanding and miscommunication.   Obviously, wars and violence are hinged and pivot on such stupidity.  So much for his ability to lead.

Second thought:  Modern warfare in the information age is conducted by embedding “back doors” or controllers within technology. The software engineers working at coding firmware involve employing capable programmers, some of whom may in fact be spies. What better way to scale a firewall? What better way to find a “safe harbor” port?

My suggestion:  Know that all computers are compromised.  Buy a typewriter. Use the U.S. Mail or courier services.  Finally, before you do or write anything, think about it assuming that what you do or say will be on the front page of a prominent newspaper. And, IF YOU DO NOT WANT A COMPROMISE, DO NOT PUT IT IN WRITING OR RECORD IT IN ANY MANNER.

End of thoughts.



No surprise, see the election will be contested as the Republican convention was contested. The problem is the Supreme Court. At issue are tax returns.

To no avail, stuff E-mail server discussion simply devolves into bureaucratic agency review, administratively rarely subject to Supreme Court review.

Ginsberg  attacked as biased and asked to recuse will be declined (maybe). Agency will whether or not  there is a split. Tax man comes. Which is why (if you are Mr. Trump)  your only option is to run and become president or maybe go to jail for tax evasion. The undoing will be based on prior precedents, written in regulations and enforced by written court decisions.

Ex post facto laws avails no advantage in tax audit or evasion.

Before voting all taxpayers are entitled to know whether or not evasion is on the table at this time.  The public deserves a determination or declaration from the Internal Revenue Service that based on the status of the current audit, there is no tax evasion rising to the level of criminality indicated at this time.


“The time has come, pharm ” the Walrus said, unhealthy “to speak of many things …”
The things I sing
The vibe I get is of the human being

Ignorance befallen common sense
All of this and one more thing
Life paid in cents
Launch the ships of truth
To life and love well spent