There Are Two Problems With Me … Maybe Three

The first problem is I’ve seen the results of a thermonuclear explosion, seconds after it happened, reaching me at the speed of light. Let me be clear. It is unGodly. Period. Seen clearly is the reality that no one human should ever push that button. And, if he did, do not be concerned.

Those who are left will wish they were not. The rest can be compared to snot. And who knows who shall crawl and beg and find the ants and frogs are dead. But, not all shall know that fate. The rest in time and life shall wait. Some shall end up good bait. And some shall find what’s really straight. Beware, the hour’s getting late.

The second is something that waits. It’s not death or faith. It comes fore whether early or late. And the problem is it cannot wait. For life and love is at the gate. And, through it we shall float with glee, knowing life and liberty, and freedom found beneath the tree that lives a lonely life, eternally.

And, then there’s sex, just like the rest, to bring forth pain and ecstasy, to bring forth life like you and me. To find it gives and takes you free to find and see mortality.

Peace, blessing and love to you and me.

Uncommon Sense

Uncommon Sense

Do not attempt to make sense of it.
Uncommon sense means only
No sense = no(I)se “n” se
It is the proud person possession of
Ignorance infused with pride
Without basis in reality.
Therefore, viagra 100mg ignorance it.

Why It Doesn’t Work

Why It Doesn’t Work

  1. You don’t like it
  2. You really cannot kill it.
  3. If you try, it only gets worse – it replicates 10 fold (maybe more) at the thought.
  4. The more of it you try to kill, the more of it will be made

Life will always be. Free!

Conservative Ignorance

Conservative Ignorance

The problem is simple: Change!

The words written at one point in time are meaningful in the context of that time. As time slides forward, viagra 100mg the context of the words lose relevance to the moment of existence. That is the nature of change and knowledge that affect what is done and how.

Example: Constitution. Frontier. Armed militia.

Conceptually, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United State cannot be strictly equated and applied to the current time in which we live or the social reality of today. The frontier of the United State of America no longer exists.  Manifest Destiny obviated that reality.

Strict application of the Second Amendment actually takes the matter out of context, resulting in irrationality that can be described as “stupidity.”

Long has gone the day when a boy, reaching the age of 14, is given a rifle to hunt with. I think that paints the picture of change that has occurred. Long gone are the days when a big family was needed to work the farm or tend the ranch. The only frontier is the deepest oceans, the heavens above and information technology.

Think about it.



You must remember that ALL religion — including YOURS (whether it be Baha’i,Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism,Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism — usually produces the excrement “extremist” called a “follower.”


The highest and truest religion is only that which ascribes individual accountability (“personal”) to the behavior self towards another individual and vice versa — another person towards you.  Be clear on that reality to remain in righteousness and truth with absolute moral and true authority.


I have told you the way to peace. You must not follow: LEAD in Individual Accountability! Only then will you receive the approval and blessings you seek.


There is NO OTHER WAY. Deviation from the truth I’ve given you  = sin and evil, immorality and error, stupidity and ignorance, abuse and disorder, pain and karma, retribution and frustration, Hell (if you understand) without end.


Perceive the distinction between “causation” and “correlation” — if you can.  If you do not and fail to do so, you swim in superstition. In swallowing its water, superstition does not change the cause of anything in existence. I have told you.

Construct Reality

Construct Reality

Reality is “man”
A woman is a man with a womb
A man is a man without womb
Those with both can be either or neither
Some are not breeders
Fact remains: “man” in one of many forms
Life, store itself, treats all the same
Death, without anyone to blame
Only equality removes frivolity



All that you feel, see, touch, taste, hear, think or smell is life
Pray it is not unchained in vain
Created by man pain
Swept by rain
Crime and shame
The thought of man
In “G”od’s name